Version 1.0 (12. April 2000), Tomi Engel farmersPDOCleanup

This perl script will remove obsolete PDO pipes from your Solaris server. These files are often responsible for the WebObjects 4.0 Monitor to hang during launch because it fails to receive any response from apps which are considered alive while in fact they are no longer running.

Running farmersPDOCleanup prior to each and every launch of the Monitor should cure the problem.

The farmersPDOCleanup script was developed in cooperation with ebox GmbH and tested with one of their large WebObjects clients sites. While it did fix the problems with the mentioned WebObjects 4.0 server cluster, there is NO GUARANTEE that this script has no, yet unknown, side effects. Its compatibility with other WebObjects releases is not known.

If running this script causes harm to your servers ... it is YOUR FAULT. Read the script carefully to understand what it does. We have not used farmersPDOCleanup under HP-UX but it is very likely that the same problem exist there as well and could be solved in a similar fashion.

WebObjects 4.5 does no longer use PDO so at least the out of the box Monitoring does not require this script.

Package Download

The application is available for download in the following packages:

Version Release 1.0
Read Me
(2 K)
Documentation included with the source
(2 K)
WebObjects (4.0)
License ObjectFarm Public License

Note: Please make sure that you also have the required frameworks installed on your system!

Since our server might not be the fastest, we encourage you to search for the files in some of the well known archives if necessary. We recommend: (Germany), (Germany) and (USA). In addition to that we would like to point you to the stepwise softrak service which can direct you to other interesting applications.

Future development

Since the future of PDO in the context of WebObjects is not very clear we do not expect any further modifications to this script. It seems to work as expected right now.
